New Simply Lemonade and Limeaid Coupon and Shaw’s Matchup

Simply Lemonade and Limeaid CouponThere is a great new coupon on for $.75 off any one Simply lemonade or Simply limeaid print it now before it disappears. Starting 5/16/2014 Shaw’s has Simply Lemonade on sale for 2/$5.

Use this coupon and get some Simply Lemonade for $1.

Here’s how it works:

Simply Lemonade 2/$5 or $2.50 each, $.75 off one coupon doubles at Shaw’s to $1.50 making your Simply Lemonade $1.00. This is a great deal!

If you don’t have a Shaw’s near you, or if you like the Limeaid more, like I do, here is another option:

Market Basket usually has the Simply products (limeaid, lemonade and other flavors) for 2/$4. Use the coupon for $.75 (Market Basket does not double coupons, but they are giving an extra 4% off until the end of the year) and get Simply Limeaid or Simply Lemonade for as low as $1.25.

I love simply limeaid and usually cut it with some water when I drink it so it’s not as sweet. Enjoy this sweet coupon deal (and sorry for the pun.)